GriefShare: Weekly Grief Support Group (Tuesday PM)


Sunday 9:30 AM Gospel Growth & 10:30AM Worship Service

 March 25, 2025

 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

 Grace Baptist Church, 475 W 600 N Logan, UT

GriefShare is a grief support group open to any adult grieving the loss of a loved one or friend. It meets once a week on Tuesday Evenings (beginning February 11 and ending April 29) from 6:30PM till 8:30PM. There is a one-time $20 fee (for the cost of the workbook). There is no childcare available. 

For more information concerning the classes held with Gospel Peace Church or to speak to a support person, contact

Register For Tuesday PM Here

Looking for a group that meets at a different time? Click Here to see all available meetings.