

Sunday 9:30 AM Gospel Growth & 10:30AM Worship Service

The latest sermons at Gospel Peace Church

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

Sound, expositional preaching is essential for spiritual growth in the church. That means that our preaching focuses on reading the Bible, explaining it, and applying the author’s meaning to the hearer’s lives.

In Nehemiah's day, the prophet Ezra gave us a great model for this kind of preaching (Neh. 8:8). When he read the law, he then gave the sense of what it was saying so that God's people could understand what he read.

Week after week, you'll hear our pastors passionately preach gospel-centered, grace-saturated, practical and urgent messages through books of the Bible verse-by-verse.

March 2025